Transmitting Certificates Of Insurance – Help Your Customers Help Themselves
According to a January 23, 2023 article from Sarah Chambers on Hubspot, entitled “14 stats that make the case for self service in 2022” the case for self service tools for customers has never been more prevalent or important. According to the article, 75% of customers want the ability to solve product or service issues on their own. In the world of transmitting and distributing Certificates of Insurance, this statistic can be a differentiator for an organization.
Today, the majority of insurance brokers utilize a time-intensive and manual process to transmit and distribute certificates to their customers. Below is the typical process a brokerage goes through:
- A customer calls with a request to receive proof of their liability insurance certificate (also known as an ACORD 25 form).
- The request gets put into a pile of other requests for COIs
- Those requests are sent to the department/team that is responsible for transmitting Certificates of Insurance out to clients.
- The team must search for the required policy.
- The team then must produce an ACORD 25 form.
- And then, one at a time, transmit the certificates to the customer via fax, email or other method.
As you can see, this process is very time consuming and to be honest, inefficient. Additionally, in today’s fast and furious world, customers need things at the speed of business. When they are putting a proposal and bid together for a large competitive construction job, they can’t sit around waiting for their broker to send over the certificates of insurance they need. They need things quickly and efficiently. In fact in a recent survey conducted by Super Office, 75% of consumers say that the the most important attribute of the customer experience is “Fast response times.” And as you can see, the need for speed of delivery when it comes to Certificates of Insurance is a perfect example of that.
In order to meet this need, companies like Certificate Exchange have developed Certificate of Insurance distribution systems that aren’t only safe and secure, but fast. Certificate Exchange’s proprietary Certificate of Insurance distribution system allows brokers to send multiple COIs to multiple destinations simultaneously. Additionally, Certificate Exchange has developed a valuable self service option for all its customers to leverage. Certificate Exchange’s team creates unique branded portals for all of its clients. These branded Certificate of Insurance self service portals allow brokers to empower their customers to create and distribute their own COIs when they need them. And the system’s patented technology ensures that those certificates are valid and authentic.
So now, with a company like Certificate Exchange, every size organization, from small independent brokers to large brokerages have the ability to provide best in class customer service that is both fast and empowering for their customers. Additionally, by utilizing a self service system and automating the certificate of insurance distribution process, brokers can now free up their team’s time to focus on the things that truly grow their business. And that is a win for customers and a win for the broker.